Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Culture of Incarceration

We have created a culture of incarceration - the statistics are appalling. Last year 1 in every 100 American adults was in prison; 1 in every 30 men between 20-34 years old; 1 in every 9 black males between 20-34 years old. We have 5% of the world's population but nearly one-quarter of the world's prisoners. We have increased our incarceration of small-time drug use 10-fold since 1980.

At the same time we've opened up a front on our southern border that exposes us to new security threats - and say what you will but in my opinion Hillary Clinton was right to say that ultimately the demand for drugs comes from the US (and therefore gives fuel to the cartels which in turn exposes our security).

I will be thinking about drug policies and incarceration over the next period. Will check in with my thoughts then.

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